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Morrison, Clarke Hall and Morrison’s Law Relating to Children and Young Persons.…

Morrison, Clarke Hall and Morrison's Law Relating to Children and Young Persons.

Morrison, A.C.L. and L.G. Banwell: Clarke Hall and Morrison’s Law Relating to Children and Young Persons. 5th edition. London: Butterworth & Co. 1956. Gr.-8°. XL, 704, 36 S., Leinen (Besitzervermerk auf Vorsatz; Bibliotheksexemplar; etwas beschabt; Buchblock leicht gelockert und verzogen; erste Seiten abgegriffen; leicht angebräunt).

CHF 18.00

Morrison, Clarke Hall and Morrison's Law Relating to Children and Young Persons. (Umschlag)
Morrison, Clarke Hall and Morrison’s Law Relating to Children and Young Persons. (Umschlag)

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