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Pabongka Rinpoche: Liberation in the palm of your hand.

Pabongka Rinpoche: Liberation in the palm of your hand.

Pabongka Rinpoche: Liberation in the palm of your hand. A concise discourse on the stages of the path to enlightenment. Ed. in the Tibetan by Trijang Rinpoche. Translated into English by Mivhael Richards. 1st edition. Boston: Wisdom Publications 1991. 8°. 978 S., sw-Abbildungen, Leinen (ohne Schutzumschlag; gut erhalten)

CHF 38.00

Pabongka Rinpoche: Liberation in the palm of your hand. (Umschlag)
Pabongka Rinpoche: Liberation in the palm of your hand. (Umschlag)

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