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Livingstone, A popular Account of (David) Livingstone’s expedition to the Zambes…

Livingstone, A popular Account of (David) Livingstone's expedition to the Zambes

Livingstone, David: A popular Account of (David) Livingstone’s expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries: and of the discovery of lakes, Shirwa and Nyassa 1858-1864. Abridged from the larger work. London: Murray 1875. 8°. XII, 416 S., 1 Karte lose beiglegt, Leinen Einband mit Gebrauchsspuren; Ex Libris auf Innendeckel unschön entfernt; leicht stockfleckig; Innenscharniere leicht angeplatzt)

CHF 68.00

Livingstone, A popular Account of (David) Livingstone's expedition to the Zambes (Umschlag)
Livingstone, A popular Account of (David) Livingstone’s expedition to the Zambes (Umschlag)

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