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Svoronos, The illustrations of the Historia nvmorvm.

Svoronos, The illustrations of the Historia nvmorvm.

Svoronos, Ioannes N.: The illustrations of the Historia nvmorvm. An atlas of Greek numismatics. Chicago, Ill.: Argonaut 1968. 8°. 64 S., 20 Bl Illustrationen, Leinen (Schutzumschlag mit Randläsuren; gut erhalten)

A new ed. adapted from the Greek original as a companion to the reprint ed. of Historia numorum ed. by Alyce Marie Cresap

CHF 88.00

Svoronos, The illustrations of the Historia nvmorvm. (Umschlag)
Svoronos, The illustrations of the Historia nvmorvm. (Umschlag)

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