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The Official year-book of the National Assembly of the Church of England. 65th y…

The Official year-book of the National Assembly of the Church of England. 65th y

The Official year-book of the National Assembly of the Church of England. 65th year of issue. Iss. by the Church Information Office. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London: The Church Assembly u.a. 1947. 8°. XL, 517 S., Leinen (Besitzervermerk auf Vorsatz; Einband leicht berieben; Papier altersbedingt leicht gebräunt; altersgemäss gut erhalten)

CHF 14.00

The Official year-book of the National Assembly of the Church of England. 65th y (Umschlag)
The Official year-book of the National Assembly of the Church of England. 65th y (Umschlag)

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