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S. Baker and G. Leigh (London, A catalogue of the genuine and entire library of

S. Baker and G. Leigh (London, A catalogue of the genuine and entire library of

S. Baker and G. Leigh (London, England): A catalogue of the genuine and entire library of the Revd Mr. Beighton, of Egham, lately deceas’d. Containing a very fine collection of miscellaneous books, in most languages, and in particular, a large number of rare Italian and Spanish authors; also a most extraordinary collection of books of emblems, with the finest engravings. Which will begin to be sold by auction, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, … on Monday, the 30th of March, 1772. Reprint. [London: Sotheby’s 1772]. 8°. [2], 82 S., Halbleinen (gut erhalten)

S. Baker and G. Leigh ist die Vorgängerfirma von Sotheby’s.

CHF 28.00

S. Baker and G. Leigh (London, A catalogue of the genuine and entire library of (Umschlag)
S. Baker and G. Leigh (London, A catalogue of the genuine and entire library of (Umschlag)

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