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Holland, Trackside in the Mid-Atlantic States 1946-1959 with Vincent A. Purn and…

Holland, Trackside in the Mid-Atlantic States 1946-1959 with Vincent A. Purn and

Holland, Kevin J./Yanosey, Robert J.: Trackside in the Mid-Atlantic States 1946-1959 with Vincent A. Purn and John A. Knauff. Scotch Plains, NJ: Morning Sun Books 2007. Lex.-8° 128 S., durchgehend Farbabbildungen, gebunden (Stempel auf Vorsatz; gut erhalten)

CHF 48.00

Holland, Trackside in the Mid-Atlantic States 1946-1959 with Vincent A. Purn and (Umschlag)
Holland, Trackside in the Mid-Atlantic States 1946-1959 with Vincent A. Purn and (Umschlag)

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