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Bacon, The Connecticut river and the valley of the Connecticut.

Bacon, The Connecticut river and the valley of the Connecticut.

Bacon, Edwin Munroe: The Connecticut river and the valley of the Connecticut. Three hundred and fifty miles from mountain to sea. Historical and descriptive. Reprint. New York [u.a.]: Johnson Reprint Corp. 1970. Gr.-8°. XX, 487 S., sw-Abbildungen, Leinen mit goldgeprägter Schrift (Einband leicht berieben; Kopfschnitt wenig befleckt; sonst gut erhalten) (=Rediscovering America)

CHF 48.00

Bacon, The Connecticut river and the valley of the Connecticut. (Umschlag)
Bacon, The Connecticut river and the valley of the Connecticut. (Umschlag)

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