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Gillies, The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests.

Gillies, The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests.

Gillies, John: The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests. From the earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian empire in the east. Including the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts. 5 Volumes. Basil: J.J. Tourneisen and J.L. Legrand 1790. 8°. Insgesamt 1903 S., 82 S. Register unpaginiert, Halbleder mit umlaufendem Rotschnitt (alle Einbände und Kanten beschabt; teilweise Buchblöcke geknickt; Ex Libris auf Innendeckel; sonst altersgemäss gut erhalten)

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