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Schramm, Meinong studies. Meinong Studien, Vol. 1.

Schramm, Meinong studies. Meinong Studien, Vol. 1.

Schramm, Alfred (Hrsg.): Meinong studies. Meinong Studien, Vol. 1. Frankfurt/Main: Ontos o.J. 8°. 330 S., gebunden (sehr gut erhalten)

The first volume of MEINONG STUDIES contains both historical and systematic contributions on Meinongian topics. The subjects dealt with cover Meinong’s views on abstraction preceding his object theoretic period (Chrudzimski), his early epistemological investigations (Manotta), his theories of presentations (Raspa) and of assumptions (Dolling). Meinong’s views are confronted with those of Franz Brentano (Rollinger) and of Sartres and Russell (Hochberg). Further analyses deal with the consistency of Meinong’s universe of objects (Simons), with his theory of magnitudes and measurement (Guigon), with his (and Ernst Mally’s) object-theoretic foundations of logic (Tegtmeier), and with the relation of semantics and ontology from the perspective of a scorekeeping approach (Potrc und Strahovnik).

  • Kategorie: Philosophie
  • Schlagwörter: Philosophie
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 3-937202-77-3
  • Bestellnummer: 26101BB

(früher CHF 158.00) jetzt CHF 52.00

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