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Davey, Detail.

Davey, Detail.

Davey, Andrew: Detail. Exceptional Japanese product design. Kempen/Düsseldorf: teNeues 2003. 4°. 175 S., durchgehend Farbabbildungen, broschiert (sehr gut erhalten)

Japan’s expertise in technology, design and engineering is responsible for some of the most advanced and desirable consumer products in the world. The book explores key themes such as artificial intelligence and robotics, showing the latest products – from Honda’s ASIMO humanoid robot and Sony’s Aibo dog to Epson’s micro-robots. Miniaturization is another important strand of Japanese product design: as cameras, watches and communications devices are becoming ever smaller, their technological functions are increasing to a level unimaginable ten, or even five, years ago. Detail shows how Japanese manufacturers constantly strive to invent new forms and to perfect existing technologies.

(früher CHF 52.80) jetzt CHF 26.80

Davey, Detail. (Umschlag)
Davey, Detail. (Umschlag)

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