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Locke, Vindications of the reasonableness of Christianity.

Locke, Vindications of the reasonableness of Christianity.

Locke, John: Vindications of the reasonableness of Christianity. Edited with introductions, notes, and critical apparatus by Victor Nuovo. First paperback edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press 2012. 8°. CXI, 400 S., Abbildungen, broschiert (gut erhalten) (=Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke)

  • Kategorie: Philosophie
  • Schlagwörter: Philosophie
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 9780199286553
  • Bestellnummer: 18471AB

CHF 46.70

Locke, Vindications of the reasonableness of Christianity. (Umschlag)
Locke, Vindications of the reasonableness of Christianity. (Umschlag)

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