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Gratz, Bernese Anabaptists.

Gratz, Bernese Anabaptists.

Gratz, Delbert L.: Bernese Anabaptists. Being mainly the history of those who migrated to America in the beginning of the nineteenth century. A dissertation submitted to the Department of Arts of the University of Berne in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press 1953. gr.-8°. 219 S., broschiert (Bibliotheksexemplar; gut erhalten) (=Studies in anabaptist and mennonite history. Edited by Harold S. Bender, Ernst Correll, Melvin Gingerich, Guy F. Hershberger, Silas Hertzler, John C. Wenger. No. 8)

CHF 38.00

Gratz, Bernese Anabaptists. (Umschlag)
Gratz, Bernese Anabaptists. (Umschlag)

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