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Weingartner, Omniscience.

Weingartner, Omniscience.

Weingartner, Paul: Omniscience. From a Logical Point of View. Frankfurt/Main: Ontos 2008. 8°. 188 S., gebunden (sehr gut erhalten) (=Philosophical analysis ; Vol. 23)

The aim of the book is to clarify the concept of omniscience. This is done first by discussing basic questions on omniscience (chs.1-12) and secondly by offering a theory of omniscience as an axiomatic system in which also a definition of omniscience isgiven (ch.13). The twelve chapters deal with questions like whether everything is true what God knows, whether God s knowledge is bound to time, whether it concerns singular truths or only laws, whether it extends also to contingent future events …etc.

  • Kategorie: Philosophie
  • Schlagwörter: Philosophie
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 978-3-938793-81-7
  • Bestellnummer: 11063BB

(früher CHF 135.00) jetzt CHF 45.00

Weingartner, Omniscience. (Umschlag)
Weingartner, Omniscience. (Umschlag)

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